
The term “ombudsman” is a Swedish word that means “representative”, “agent” or “authority”. It is also the name of the institution that we, in the Iberoamerican context, know with the generic name of “defensoría”. This institution has evolved according to the historical context.

Its historical roots go back to the 18th and 19th centuries in Sweden, to the creation of the Högste Ombudsmannen in 1713, by King Charles II, as a representative of his interests. Later, in 1719, this official would acquire the name Jistitekanslern (JK); name that is still in use. The official has the essential function of acting as a control-organ for the country’s administration.

In Ibero America, the ombudsman’s evolution was translated into the creation of the Defensor del Pueblo (Defender of the People), implemented in Spain in 1978 once a democratic government took office.

The Spanish Ombudsman model inspired the creation of the Office of the Ombudsperson for Academic Rights at UNAM. The University Council approved the Statute of the OOAR during the session held on May 29th, 1985. Its Rules of Procedure were approved on July 30th, 1986.

The creation of the OOAR marked the birth of the academic Ombdusperson in Latin-America. It is also considered the immediate precedent of human rights commissions in Mexico.

Previous Ombudsperson for Academic Rights


Alfredo Sánchez Castañeda

Alfredo Sánchez Castañeda Ph.D. (2015 - 2019)

LL. B at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (National Autonomous University of Mexico – UNAM -). Ph.D. in Labour Law and Social Security by Université de Paris 2 (Pantheon-Assas). He is a Labour Law professor in the Facultad de Derecho (Faculty of Law) at UNAM.

He is a full time senior “C” researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciónes Jurídicas (Legal Research Institute –IIJ -) of UNAM, PRIDE D. Member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (National System of Researchers –SNI-) Level III. External consultant for the International Labor Organization for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean. Deputy director of the Revista Latinoaméricana de Derecho Social (Latin American Social Law Review). Scientific director of the  International Review in comparative studies in labour and industrial relations. Member of the Comisión Dictaminadora del Área V: Ciencias Sociales del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (Assessing Commission of Area V : Social Sciences) of the SNI.

Dr. Jorge Ulises Carmona Tinoco Ph.D. (2012 - 2014)

LL.B, MBA and Ph.D. by UNAM. He also holds a MBA by Essex University. He also has studies on legal theory at Universidad de Alicante in Spain.

Senior researcher at IIJ and member of the SNI.

He has worked for the Office of the Attorney General, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and has collaborated with the Inter-American Court of Human Rights). He works as the Sixth Inspectorate General for CNDH.

Leoncio Lara Sáenz Ph.D. (2003 - 2011)

LL. B by Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua (Autonomous University of Chihuahua) and Ph.D. by the University of Naples.

He served as General Attorney for UNAM, Instituto Politécnico Nacional (National Polytechinc Institute) and Universidad Autonóma Metropolitana.

He worked as the Inspectorate General at CNDH and Attorney General of the state of Hidalgo.

He is a member of the Ilustre y Nacional Colegio de Abogados (Illustrious and National Bar Assotiation). He was a member of the Executive Council of the Mexican Center of Latin American Studies at the University of Texas.

Rafael Rocher Gómez (1995 - 2003)

LL. B at UNAM, and Ph.D studies at Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

He has been a Law Professor at UNAM, University of Yucatan, ITAM and La Salle.

He worked as the General Director of University’s Legislation Studies.

María del Refugio González Domínguez Ph.D. (1993 - 1995)

LL. B at UNAM and Ph.D. at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She also has Master studies on History of Mexico at UNAM.

She has a wide academic record of teaching and also researching at UNAM. She occupied diverse academic and administrative offices at UNAM. She also worked for the Ministries of Economy and Foreign Affairs and the CNDH. She currently works as a researcher at CIDE and is a member of SNI.

María Carreras Maldonado (1989 - 1993)

LL. B at UNAM. She was a forerunner for female academic work and for gender equality.

She worked as General Director of Universities and Schools affiliated to UNAM, General Director of Legal Affairs of UNAM and was the first female Ombudsperson for Academic Rights.

She was a member of the Board of the Mexican Bar Association  and founded the pro bono legal aid of the School of Law.

Jorge Barrera Graff (1985 - 1989)

LL. B at UNAM. He also had legal studies at Michigan University Law School.

He worked for the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit and the IIJ. He was granted UNAM’s Professor Emeritus title. He was a SNI member.

He served as Mexico’s delegate in the United Nations Commission for International Trade Law and served as member of the Council of UNIDROIT. He was the first Ombudsperson for Academic Rights.

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